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Internship/Graduate Placement in China

Location: Chengdu, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen 

(other cities may possible)

Length: 1 to 6 months (longer possible)

Programs available:

  • Internship

  • Full-time Placement 

Don't miss out!

Why doing an internship alongside your studies?

1.To make better plans for your future and enhance your abilities

During the school year, you may feel overwhelmed by your study, but doing an internship can truly help you to better plan your future. You can put your ideas into practice, test out your abilities, make up your deficiencies and adjust your future goals.

2. To know more about Chinese workplace and cultures.

Chinese workplaces offer very interesting office cultures. By working in a pure Chinese or international team, you get the opportunities to gain insights of the interesting office cultures. You will get to know more about Chinese people's business mentalities and different perspectives they have for things.

3. To gain more professional working experiences.

Not many of you have the overseas work experience, an internship in a foreign country (especially China) can make you valuable and help you to stand out from the crowd. This working experience can help you to polish your CV and gain real stuff to talk with your future potential employers.

4. To practice your Chinese in real-life situation.

As you may wish to practice your Chinese more in a real-life situation, doing an internship can be the best opportunity for you to improve your Chinese in every way! You will find there is still a lot more potentials in you as soon as you put the language into use in your workplace, also you will find yourself making a huge progress in your language capacity.

Program Cost

Most affordable in China


Internship in China

Internship: an internship placement in a host company in Chengdu, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and other cities.

Application fee RMB1000

Program fee

1 to 3 months RMB3000

4 to 6 months  RMB4000

Our Services

  • A Guaranteed Placement in your chosen field.

  • 1 Free Online Chinese Class

  • Internship Completion Letter and Reference Letter

  • Completion & Reference letter 

  • Potential full-time job opportunities 

  • Waive of Application Fee if you are interested in joining any of our other programs


  • *Not include: Airport Pick-up; Accommodation; Orientation; City onsite support; Services not mentioned above.


  • *Please Note: This price plan is only for students who are currently studying with a university in China. If you are studying outside of China, contact us for a difference price plan. You are also responsible for getting the internship approval from your university's international office and get the internship stamp from PSB to work legitimately. 


  • If you are not from the city and would like to add an accommodation service, kindly talk to us. 

Hot Positions
Fund Yourself

Full-time Placement Service 

If you are a graduating student in China and has achieved outstanding academic scores at uni, or if you have graduated but has 2 years full-time working experience, we provide a full-time placement service as well for you. Kindly get in touch via for more details.



Our consultant will talk to you and confirm your needs. We will require an application fee. Once we officially accept you into the program. No work will be done before we receive the application fee from applicant. 


Placememt Matching

We will match you wit the most ideal placement and initiate further contact (interview) between you and the host company. 



If the host company gives you this offer we will secure it for you. If not we will be keeping looking until you are secured with one. No program is required before an offer is confirmed.

Asia Internship offers:

Affordable, high-quality programmes in Asia 

A once-in-a-lifetime experience



We will be in touch soon!

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