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Online Internship Program 

Online Internship Program


Staying local is the new norm for many of us during these uncertain times, but don’t let COVID-19 travel restrictions rain on your global career-advancing parade. Thanks to the increasing accessibility of WiFi in many locations around the world, online internships are a rising trend. 


Regardless of your geographic region, remote internships will ensure you gain career-relevant skills and internationally-recognized credentials while cultivating a cross-cultural experience without the travel costs or rigid 9-5 schedule!

Why take an internship online?

1. It’s cheaper!

Your resume will stand out in a crowd with your international internship experience, and the program fee to join an internship will be substantially cheaper! No flights, travel insurance, or accommodation costs are involved in interning in the virtual dimension.



2. Flexible time schedule

As a remote intern you wont be required to be online all the time when the onsite staff are sitting in their office hours. Our host companies will be more than happy to offer flexible working hours for the intern who cant join them onsite. You will be required to join meetings virtually, finish assigned tasks by a deadline, and communicate with your supervisor from time to time. 


3. Work across the globe

 If your internship is based abroad, there will still be opportunities for cultural exchange, even as a remote intern.


Whether you're based in a big bustling metropolis or a small rural town, you have the ability to work for a company thousands of miles away in a completely different time zone and culture. Having experience working for a business based abroad is certainly an asset that will build your resume and demonstrate your initiative and adaptability. It shows cross-cultural competence, computer literacy, communication skills, independence, and global awareness—which are all highly prized by employers within our interconnected society.


4. Gain familiarity with digital tools 

When completing online internships, you will begin to understand which communication platforms that businesses are using to stay connected while not working in an office. Zoom, Slack, Proofhub, Dropbox, Togl, Coschedule, Google Apps, and World Time Buddy are just a few that are utilized by companies on a daily basis.

By gaining competence in the systems your company is using during your time working for them, you will quickly be able to adapt to the same or similar platforms in your future work environment.


5. Get used to remote working mode which might be a constant phenomenon for the future

Due to the pandemic many companies have changed their traditional ways of working including making some staff working remotely temporarily or permanently. We cant deny that this might be a trendy phenomenon for all business, sooner or later. By joining an remote internship will certainly make you more ready for this and your future employer will value your flexibility and adaptability.

Program in A Nutshell

Company locations

Our Online Internship Programs operate with hundreds of host companies in mainland China and Hong Kong SAR.


Company industries

Industries: business related, engineering, biomedical, languages, NGOs, and more


Is it guaranteed? 

It is an Offer-Guaranteed Placement Service. In case of any failed placement matching there will be no cost on applicant.

Program Fees

Application Fee: 200USD

(Refundable  if a placement couldn't be guaranteed after 8 weeks of placement matching)


Program Fee

(Pay when an offer is accepted by you and before the commencement of the internship)


1 - 3 months: 600USD

4 - 6 months: 800USD


If you need to do an internship more than 6 months please let us know.

Asia Internship offers:

Affordable, high-quality programmes in Asia 

A once-in-a-lifetime experience



We will be in touch soon!

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