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in China!

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Biz Study Tour

Get in-depth of business practices in China, meet like-minded people from all over the world and visit companies from all industries and travel to tibetan area and Beijing outside of the business studies. 

Location: Chengdu

Time: July, August 2019


Culture Study Tour

Get in-depth of Chinese culture, including ancient and modern China, minority culture and folk culture. Workshops and field trips to enhance culture knowledge. Meet like-minded people from all over the world. Travel to tibetan area and Beijing outside of the culture studies. 

Location: Chengdu

Time: July, August 2019

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Tech Study Tour

Get in-depth of technology development in China. Tech Company visits and meet some entrepreneurs to listen to their stories. Meet like-minded people from all over the world. Travel to tibetan area and Beijing outside of the culture studies. 

Location: Chengdu

Time: July, August 2019


Chinese Language Study 

Get an intensive Chinese study experience with prestigious language schools and experience mysterious cultures outside of studies. Master the skill of speaking the soon most spoken language in the world!

Location: Chengdu, Shanghai

Time:  All year around


Drone Flying Course

Study with leading UAV education provider in China through an intensive 3-week academic study and practices, take AOPA Examination after the study and get the international drone flying certificate!  

Location: Chengdu

Time:  15th of each month

Asia Internship offers:

Affordable, high-quality programmes in Asia 

A once-in-a-lifetime experience



We will be in touch soon!

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